Pioneer Praise Productions (PPP), we offer quality web page design that is
content- and graphically-appealing and easy on your pocket book also. We strive
to keep your web page compatible with most browsers, but our main focus is web
site compatibility with the most current versions of Internet Explorer and
Netscape Navigator.
While we don't offer web hosting at PPP,
we will help you locate the best web host to fit your internet/business needs.
For some sites that offer free web hosting, click
Other services at PPP include proofreading,
desk-top publishing, and,
coming soon, word processing.
Based out of Battle Creek, Michigan, PPP
can handle your business locally, in the Southwest Michigan area, or nationwide
via the internet.
So, whatever your office need, Pioneer
Praise Productions can help you. Contact us via email
or fill out the order form
to receive specific quote information.